Friday, June 27, 2014

Smother'em With Jesus!

This phrase came about this week as a friend of mine and I were talking about our responsibilities as Christians. This has become (is becoming) my life's motto! I am making a conscious decision to completely smother others with the love of Jesus!

Smother: (One of Webster's definitions is) to cover thickly.

I am seeing a trend, time and time again, how we "smother" our minds with thoughts that cloud our judgement. A few examples include (but are not limited to) our self-image, our image of others, our duties/responsibilities, our extra-curricular activities, our add-ons (I will define in a sec), money (or lack of) and time. As adults, we take on so much that the basics seem to be sent to the back burner and lost. We tend to forget that all we really need is Jesus. Sounds simple enough, right?!

Now, I am a mother, a wife, a full-time employee and a business owner, so I totally get feeling overwhelmed and like you are never gaining traction. There are days (like yesterday) where I just can't seem to get it together. On days like these, I am reminded that all that really matters is that I am where I need to be and that I am serving the Lord with my whole heart. He will take care of the rest. With this said, how in the world do I think I am gonna have time to smother others when some days it feels like I am literally smothering myself?!

Let's take the points mentioned above and break them down one by one. After all, that is how you eat an bite at a time!
1. Self-image thoughts: These may be negative or positive. If you have positive self-image thoughts, kudos to you. I bet I am safe in saying that you are in the minority. Every person I have encountered, male or female, has always been able to find something about themselves that they don't particularly like. At times, we can become so bogged down that these thoughts consume everything that we are and take over. Leaving no room for us to serve others. We must remember that we are the way that God created us to be. Now sure, I have a few extra pounds here and there that I feel confident He would be ok with me losing, but over all, I am the Heather that He had planned. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13 "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

2. Image of others: As women, I think that we struggle with this a little more than men. We look around and we see other women who may be smaller or taller than we, they may have curly hair while ours is straight (or vice versa), they may have tan skin while we are more fair or they may have the eye color that we have always dreamed of. Basically, we tend to be envious of others, instead of relishing in the fact that God made us beautiful, each and every one! Our differences make us unique and we must remember that we are special! There is not another just like me (my husband is probably thinking, amen-sister!). "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him.' For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
Another aspect pertaining to the image of others that we struggle with is judging their hearts/intentions. No one knows another person's heart except for them and the Lord. It is not our place to decide what their "motives" may or may not be. We have to trust that they are pure. Sure, people will disappoint by their actions and attitudes, but that is something that we must be willing to move on from. We are sinful by nature. Thankfully, God does not hold a grudge against me for all of the times I have disappointed Him (and let me tell you, there have been more times than I care to admit). This takes practice, especially if you have been hurt before (and most certainly if by the person you are trying to move past this (forgive) with). It will not come easily and will take a lot of prayer. You can not do this alone, but now comes your opportunity to "smother them with the love of Jesus." Love as He would love. Forgive as He would (has) forgive(n). "Let your light so shine before others so that they will see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

3. Our duties/responsibilities: Think about it. From the time our eyes pop open until we lay to sleep at night, there are so many "things" that we are responsible for. Taking care of the children, feeding them, bathing them, gathering their things for the next day, preparing ourselves for the day ahead, work, cleaning, cooking, house upkeep, relationship coddling (spouse, family and friends), grocery shopping, then trying to clear our minds just to do it all over again the next day. I am worn out just typing it all. There are some days that I don't think that my mind rests even when my body tries. If we allow our responsibilities to become so complex that they are all we can focus on, we miss out on the blessings that God has in store for us. I understand there are things that must be taken care of, we can not neglect our children and spouses, they must eat...but, we must try to be mindful that our thoughts should focus around the things that please the Lord. When we are able to let our guard down, find time to love on others and share Him, all the other "things" will fall into place (I hear this is true...I am gonna have to give it a try! lol). Bring it all back to the things that are necessary. De-clutter your mind and focus on Him. "And the world is passing away and all of its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever." 1 John 2:17

4. Our extra-curricular activities: I like to say that "I am too busy (with my family, scripture studies, etc,) to have extra-curricular activities", but that simply is not true. I make time for these. Whether it be my photography (my part time business), taking a walk, hanging out with girlfriends (which does not happen as much as it maybe should), baking, or anything else that consumes my time or energy outside of the Lord and my family (or providing for). Are my thoughts centered on how I can bless others through these extra-curricular activities or are they (these activities) so consuming that my mind is clouded by the busyness? Does all of this extra busyness cause us to be anxious? We must make conscious efforts to make sure that our minds are clear from distractions so that our focus remains on the One who really matters. When we learn to focus on Him and His blessings for us, we then can bless others. "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 "Do not conform to the ways of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2 *Now you may be thinking that you have never thought about this particular verse pertaining to our busyness, but can you see how it does? When we are so busy with all of our "stuff", we are conforming to the way the world says we should be. Not taking it back to the basics and just focusing on the Lord. Please don't get me wrong. I am not saying that I think I will ever be without all of my "extras" but, I do hope that I am able to not be so busy so that I can focus on the love that the Lord has for me and His goodness and in return, I am able to pass that along.

5. Our add-ons: This one gets me Every. Single. Time!! These are the things that we just pile on ourselves, sometimes without even realizing that we are doing it. For me, it is staying up to bake that 2 dozen cupcakes for my son's class the next morning that MUST be decorated like an octopus (don't get me wrong, they sure were cute, but my the time), deciding to take part in a book club that you really don't have the time to do, but feel like you need to be "one of the gang", on a day where you have doctors appointments, meetings and other errands, you sign up to work a consignment sale (double shift) so that you can shop early!! I am sure the list could go on and on! What is wrong with us, ladies?! We take on more than we can handle and we do it to ourselves. Are we doing these things so that we are "keeping up with the Joneses?" Where in all of this have we glorified the Lord or been a blessing to someone else? If you are like me, on the days when I have stretched myself to the max, I don't even like myself, so I am sure those around me wish I was somewhere else. De-clutter and simplify, get back to the basics (have I said that a time or two in this post already) and focus on Jesus. Allow Him to direct your paths, steer your comings and goings and boy how you (we) will be blessed. I wish I had followed this advice about 9 years ago when I completed college and was preparing to enter "adulthood." My oh my, outlooks may be different. "Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord, not for men."Colossians 3:23

6. Money: It has been said that the Bible states that money is the root of all evil. Well, that is not true. The Bible states that "the love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Timothy 6:10). Money is necessary if you are going to take care of your basic needs (food, shelter, clothing). You simply can not pay your bills without it. Where it gets us into trouble is where we allow our love or even our so-called need (like my need for a new pair of shoes) for money comes into play. We can become so consumed with earning the all mighty dollar that we forget that we should be using our monetary gifts to further the kingdom of God. It's not even ours, after all- it is His! Our first responsibility is to give back to the Lord a portion of what He has given to us. (*The Old Testament refers to us giving a tithe of 10%, the New Testament does not specifically give an amount, but this does not mean less than 10%, but maybe more. We should give as we have been given and what is on our hearts.) Are we using our money to bring glory to the Lord? Are we blessing others (donations, gifts to meet needs) from our gifts? I struggle with wanting. I always seem to want more than I have (ex: a bigger house, a vacation home, eat out at the best restaurants, more clothes, more clothes for my kids--just to name a few; I mean, I am being totally honest here!). I think that it is human nature, but we should strive for contentment. I think when our minds are not focused on the so-called need of money, then we are able to relish in the goodness of what He has provided for us. The Lord gives us what He knows that we need (and as Dave Ramsey says, what we can monetarily handle). Try not to love it (money) so much, but see it as a necessity and only use it as that. Give to those less fortunate that we and use it for the good. The Lord will always make sure that your needs are met. He will give to those who give. Give back to Him, even when it seems like you may not be able to pay that bill at the end of the month--He will provide! Don't allow your mind to be clouded with the evilness that comes with the love of money. Be content, give back (tithe) and bless others. "Offer right sacrifices and put your trust in the Lord. " Psalm 4:5, "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way that we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He himself said, 'It is truly better to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35, "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33, "No one can serve two masters, for he will either hate one and love the other or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money." Matthew 6:24 "Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He himself has said, 'I will never leave you or forsake you.'" Hebrews 13:5

7. Time: This is the one thing I sometimes feel like I NEVER have enough of, when the truth is, we are all given the same 24 hours in a day. It is just up to us (individually) in how we choose to spend it. Time is the greatest gift that you can give to another. It is precious to you. It is something that you can never get back once it is gone. I challenge you to spend more time doing the following over the weekend: 1. Read your Bible. Submerge yourself in the Word and see how you feel afterwards. 2. Pray that the Lord would reveal an opportunity of service for you. Ask him with your whole heart where He would have you serve--then commit to doing it. You may not get your answer this weekend, it may take weeks and weeks of searching and listening, truly listening to Him. 3. Turn off the television and do something that your kids want to do. Let your hair down! Paint with pudding for goodness sake!! Invest in your children! It will be treasured (by you both)! 4. Have a conversation with your spouse. No television, no children interrupting, no phone calls. Take 30 minutes and talk to your spouse! Get to know them again! 5. Bless someone else with a kind word or an action. SMOTHER'EM WITH JESUS! "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

This post has been so heavy on my heart as I strive to smother others with the love of Jesus. I can see the changes He is making in me and I am encouraged by what I know (or rather what I am  gonna see that) the future holds. Help us, O Lord, to see others with your eyes, help us to be vulnerable and available to do what you have called us to do! Help us to be more like you each and every day!


Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Am More Than...

What is it about the way we look to others, ladies? To ourselves? As I am beginning to age (and let me add not nearly as gracefully as I may have liked or wished), I am noticing more and more things about myself that I just don't find pleasing. There are wrinkles and age spots that I never thought I would see. There are those unsightly grey hairs (yes, they are just can't see them because I have an AWESOME stylist). I have skin that sags in places that just makes me sad and I noticed this week that my hands are beginning to look, dare I say the word, OLD!

But, praise the Lord(!) there is more to me than what meets the eye. I am more than just an (cough, cough) average sized woman. Beneath this skin is a heart who loves the Lord and truly does strive to live for Christ every day (even though I fail terribly sometimes). My heart longs to help those in need and be more than just a handout to them, but to be a friend.

My family is my world. Without them, their love and support, I do not know where in the world I would be. My heart's desire is to be a wife that is pleasing to Jesus and to James. One that follows the guidelines set before me, to allow my husband to be the head of our home (as hard as that is sometimes), one that loves with all that I am and is vulnerable and sensitive to his needs. One who supports, cares for and one he trusts with all that he is. I long to be the best mommy to Evan and Emie (and Pete, our dog) that I possibly can be. To trust the Lord to guide me in the way that he would have me guide them to be Christ loving individuals, ones to grow and love Him and allow Him to use them in the way He sees fit. I pray that I will always support my children and their decisions (even if we don't agree--like when they decide to move away from home). I hope that they can always feel my love for them and know that they can always count on me. For my parents I want to be the daughter that they know they can depend on to help when the time comes and roles need to be reversed. That I WILL be there, even though I may live miles away. I want to be there to laugh with them when times are good and be a shoulder to lean on when they turn tough. After all, they have always done those things for me! At this stage in our relationship, for my brother and sister-in-law, I hope to be a support system, a cheerleader if you will! One they know they can count on to ALWAYS be in their corner rooting for them! One they know prays for them without ceasing and one who really does love with all that I am. When the day comes for additions to the family, I hope I am one that can be looked to for Godly advice and counsel when raising (or just just trying to survive that first year) their sweet babies. No matter the miles between us, I truly am only a phone call (or in this day and age, a text) away. For my Nanny, my heart longs to be there to spend long hours with, just talking with and soaking every moment. I don't get to do that as often as I wish, but I hope that she knows that's where I want to be. I long to be able to cook like she does (or used I hope to have the openness to accept the responsibility of caring for others the way that she has. For my extended family whom I love so much, my prayer is that I am always the one they know they can count on. The one they can call when they need someone to pray or just need someone to listen. I love the hugs and kisses that I receive from them and I treasure each moment that is granted. To my in-laws, I pray that I am a blessing to their lives as they are to mine. I pray that they know that no matter the differences that we may have, there are two common threads between us, the love that we have for Jesus and the love that we share for James.

My dear sweet friends and their laughter help make this crazy world go round! If we are friends, from either way back or have just come to know one another, I hope you have come to realize that if you need me, in the word's of Michelle Tanner (from Full House), "You Got It Babe!" :) The Lord has revealed to me through various times in my life that sometimes you just need a friend! He places people in our lives, some for long periods of time and some for short, to share good times and bad. They help provide insight and lend views that we may have never thought of on our own. Friends are vital to sustaining this thing we call "life". Thank you for allowing me to be part of your lives, for blessing mine in such a way that words can't describe. Thank you for loving my family as your own. I pray that I show you just how special you are! "You is smart, you is kind, you is important!"

My heart is full of love, hopes and dreams! I am sure that if you were to search your own you would find that yours too is full. Each and every one of us holds something close that motivates us to get up each and every day. To put our feet on the floor. To put one foot in front of the other. Simply to breathe. What is it that motivates you? Is it your love for others? Is it your desire to be more faithful to God? Is it to be the husband, wife, friend that HE has called you to be? If this seems too muggy to discern, ask for guidance. He will show you. But I must give you ready? You must be ready to listen! Listen with ALL of your heart! Embrace what He wants to show you with ALL of your heart!

When the revelation is clear, there may be changes that need to be made. I don't know. Are you ready to make the needed changes? For me, a deeper quality, quiet time with Him needs to be improved upon. My time with Him is so valuable. There are so many lessons He wants to share with me. It's up to me to make that a priority. He is ready and waiting.

Are you ready to meet Him? He is. He is waiting for you!!

Verses to think about:
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6

"Have I not commanded you? Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord God is with you wherever you may go." Joshua 1:9


Monday, June 9, 2014

Here We Go...

Am I really doing this? Yes, Yes I am!!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Heather and writing is my therapy. My husband James and I have two children, Evan (5) and Emie (7 mo) and one fur baby, Pete (almost 9 years). James and I have been married for 9 years (in August) but have been together for 11. I have two B.S. degrees in Human Development and Family Studies; one with a concentration in Child Life and the other in Early Childhood Development. I absolutely LOVE to serve the Lord and others. I feel so blessed with the life that God has chosen for me and am excited for what the future holds. I have a dream to write a devotional book, but until that book becomes a reality, I am leaning on the arms of this new blog--that's how we got here. With all of this said, let's begin 'His Something Beautiful!'

Children are truly something special! Wouldn't you agree? I have always loved working with children, so when it came to choosing a career path, I knew it would involve little tots in some way. The Lord has blessed us with two beautiful (I am a little biased) little ones. Evan is the oldest. He is pretty laid back and goes with the flow. He is a leader and very much a rule follower (he gets that from me). He is a perfectionist and very loving. He gives the best hugs and kisses around. He loves people and he loves to have a good time! Evan is a thinker. A deep thinker for a 5 year old. His heart is concerned over matters that most children don't really ponder. I joke and say that he will either be a preacher or a politician one day! I can't wait to see where the Lord leads him...I know he has great things in store for this little one! He worries over his friends and family knowing and having a relationship with Jesus. He thinks about people being honest. He thinks about and asks questions on heaven and hell. WHAT? Hell? My 5 year old knows about hell and asks questions about it? Yes, yes he does.

Let me tell you about a conversation I overheard him having with his daddy just the other afternoon.

I was in the kitchen preparing supper and in walks the other three members of our household. I could hear Evan talking (which is so typical for him...he wakes talking and does not stop until those eyes are closed--he gets that from me, to James, asking A LOT of questions. This is how it went:
Evan: "So daddy, does Satan ever defeat Jesus?"
James: "No, Evan, he never does."
Evan: "Does he try?"
James: "Yes, he tries, he tries every day, but we know that he never will."
Evan: "How do we know for sure?"
James: "Well, the Bible tells us. See, we can read and know how it all is gonna end and we know that Jesus will ALWAYS come out on top."
Evan: "Huh. Ok."

He then saw me and moved on to playing in his room. Later that night, he and I were watching tv and during a commercial I asked him what he and daddy were talking about. He told me that they were talking about "if Satan ever defeats Jesus." I commented with, "Oh!, Well, what did daddy say?" His response was simple. "The Bible tells us that he will never beat Jesus, Mommy." He then went on to tell me about Jesus coming back to get our bodies and how it will just be our bodies because we will already be in heaven. We then went on to talk about how we get to heaven and his sweet response, "Well, if you love Jesus, of course!" We talked about asking Jesus to live in our hearts and as honest and as pure as he could, he lifted his arms towards heaven and said these words, "Jesus, come live in my heart!" With a big smile on his face, he looked at me and said, "I am going to heaven!"

In that moment I shook my head with a grin on my face and had to chuckle. This was truly an "Evan moment." He is so charismatic and theatrical. This will be a story I will tell again and again as he becomes a Christian, as he grows into an adult, when he finds his true love and one I am sure I will tell his babies!  As I have had time to reflect over this conversation and his response over this past week, one word stands out to me. DEFEAT. Defeat. This is such a strong word for such a little guy to pull out of his back pocket. One that a lot of adults don't get. One that my Jesus, thank goodness, paid a price for so that I don't have to feel.

It gives me a sense of comfort to know that my Jesus will never be defeated by the one who seeks to destroy Him. It gives me a sense of hope to know that because of the price that He paid for my sin, that I will live eternally with Him one day. It gives me a sense of responsibility to share His love with others.

Our Sunday school lesson this past week asked the question that if something happened and our church no longer existed would our community miss us (the church)? I am going to take this one step further. If something were to happen to me and I went to be with my heavenly father, would my community miss me? Am I making a difference within my community? My church? My home? Am I serving so that others see Jesus? Am I building the kingdom of God?

I challenge you to examine your life. Are you making a difference where you are? Allow God to show you areas where you need to improve and grow. Take comfort in knowing that He is not defeated! He always comes out on top!!

I am not really sure how many readers or followers this blog may have, but I do know that it will be pure therapy for me. I know that the Lord laid it on my heart to start it, so here we are. I pray that something you read will bless your heart and be of an encouragement to you. I am just a woman. Just a wife, mommy, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin and friend, but I sure do love Jesus and pray every day that His light will shine through me. I pray that you will be blessed and that you will be a blessing!

Words of Comfort:
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you,
than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4

I am He that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the
keys of hell and of death. Revelation 1:18

They overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony... Revelation 12:11
