I am currently facilitating a women's Bible study called Beautiful Mess, which is a follow up to the (fantastic) movie "Mom's Night Out". This study is speaking to my heart and causing me to really dissect my actions and attitudes and make sure that they are pleasing to the Lord. The study is using the thing (people) that tends to get to me the most--my babies! How do they see their mama responding to life's crazy situations that turn my world (most of the time temporarily) upside-down?!
This week already (and it's only Tuesday! Yikes) I have had to look at myself and ask the question, "Is God pleased with my attitude today?" "Does he approve of the way I am CHOOSING to respond to this situation?" Let me be honest, I found that the answer was NO!
Last week we discovered that our responses and our attitudes are our choice. We can choose to respond (behave) differently. Does becoming angered and quick tongued get us anywhere or does it cause us to become ineffective for the Lord? When we allow the things of this world to influence our decision to respond negatively, we are giving Satan a foot-hold. WE are allowing him to keep us from doing good for the Lord. We can not (and will not) be used to bring glory to the Father as long as we are allowing Satan to take hold of our lives. *I am preaching to myself here!!
Does this mean that situations should be avoided all together? Not at all! Sometimes situations that arise need to be addressed in order for changes to be made. It is all in how they are handled that makes the difference. This is sometimes (more times than not) where I fail. Well thought out, planned out and prayed over responses should be formulated and taken to the appropriate people. If you have had a disagreement with your spouse, just after the "discussion"is probably is not the best time to try to come to resolve. It may be best to take 30 minutes, 2 hours or even a day to collect your thoughts. Sometimes our children can bring about "beautiful messes" that cause us to lose our cool. Should we blow off the handle, scream and yell to get their attention? That is probably not the most effective way to handle their tender hearts. After all, they may have simply been expanding their imagination, creating you a masterpiece or teaching their sibling how to do something "really awesome!" Take a moment, catch a breath and realize that these moments are fleeting and that they are flying by so quickly. There may come a day when you are begging for some noise in the house and you long for the mess to clean.
My attitude is my choice. My actions are my choice. Today, I am going to choose to be polite and respectful of others--until someone makes me mad (JUST KIDDING!). In Kindergarten we learned to play well with others and as an adult I am learning that MY attitude has a lot to do with that. People will not want to befriend or just be around me if my attitude stinks! We need people. We need relationships. Love those who are not lovable (let's face it, you aren't every day either) and be patient when life calls for it. Life is life. It brings ups and downs. We must learn to ride the ride with God's grace and do it with a smile on our face (even when we don't want to)!
When Satan tries to crowd your mind, just remember...
"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me--practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."
Philippians 4:8-9
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Give'Em Jesus!
Have you ever driven past that stranger on the street, the one holding the sign asking for money or food, and wondered what happened once you passed them by? Well, I have and from the conversations taking place in my Sunday school class, I am not alone.
My heart is a giving heart. I want to meet the needs of others, but I must admit, my current working position has left me a bit tainted. I often question if they really need the assistance or not. Shame on me, right?! Is it my place to say if they need it or not or is it simply my duty to be the hands and feet of Jesus and help when asked (of course the second choice is the correct choice!)?
Wanting to help is not the problem, it is knowing how to best assist the people that are in need of the help that I struggle with. Is money the answer? Should I just go buy a hot meal and deliver to them? What else can be done to make a difference in the lives of God's children who He loves just as much as He loves me?! Well, my friends, it all became quite clear sitting in Sunday school two weeks ago as we were diving into our lesson. We can give them Jesus!
We may not have money to give (and to be honest, that may not be the solution to their problem), we may not even have the availability to run to McDonald's for a burger and fries, but we can give them the word of God and a prayer. We can plant the seed of salvation if they are not believers and for those who are, we can help them see the hope that lies ahead. Hearing the words from the Lord may be just what they are looking for!
This all sounds great--right?! Now, how do we put this plan to action?
Be proactive! Prepare yourself (and your vehicle) with tracts that are filled with the words that they need to hear! They are small and can fit in your glove compartment and can easily be handed through your car window. A guy in our class even mentioned having Bibles in the car that can be handed out easily.
Stop and say a prayer! Prayer can mean a world of difference in the life of another. I know as a woman we tend to be a little scared to stop, so this can be something that is done as we are passing by. I find myself praying that the Lord can send someone that is equipped to stop and assist in ways that I can't. I ask for peace for the individual and that somehow their needs may be met.
No one ever said that being a Christian would be easy, but God gives us strength. No one ever said that sharing the Gospel would be easy, but God will give us the words to be spoken. No one ever said that it would be easy to minister to others, but God grants the desire and provides a way.
I encourage you to pray for an opportunity to serve someone today. When God answers your prayer, act!
Food for thought:
My heart is a giving heart. I want to meet the needs of others, but I must admit, my current working position has left me a bit tainted. I often question if they really need the assistance or not. Shame on me, right?! Is it my place to say if they need it or not or is it simply my duty to be the hands and feet of Jesus and help when asked (of course the second choice is the correct choice!)?
Wanting to help is not the problem, it is knowing how to best assist the people that are in need of the help that I struggle with. Is money the answer? Should I just go buy a hot meal and deliver to them? What else can be done to make a difference in the lives of God's children who He loves just as much as He loves me?! Well, my friends, it all became quite clear sitting in Sunday school two weeks ago as we were diving into our lesson. We can give them Jesus!
We may not have money to give (and to be honest, that may not be the solution to their problem), we may not even have the availability to run to McDonald's for a burger and fries, but we can give them the word of God and a prayer. We can plant the seed of salvation if they are not believers and for those who are, we can help them see the hope that lies ahead. Hearing the words from the Lord may be just what they are looking for!
This all sounds great--right?! Now, how do we put this plan to action?
Be proactive! Prepare yourself (and your vehicle) with tracts that are filled with the words that they need to hear! They are small and can fit in your glove compartment and can easily be handed through your car window. A guy in our class even mentioned having Bibles in the car that can be handed out easily.
Stop and say a prayer! Prayer can mean a world of difference in the life of another. I know as a woman we tend to be a little scared to stop, so this can be something that is done as we are passing by. I find myself praying that the Lord can send someone that is equipped to stop and assist in ways that I can't. I ask for peace for the individual and that somehow their needs may be met.
No one ever said that being a Christian would be easy, but God gives us strength. No one ever said that sharing the Gospel would be easy, but God will give us the words to be spoken. No one ever said that it would be easy to minister to others, but God grants the desire and provides a way.
I encourage you to pray for an opportunity to serve someone today. When God answers your prayer, act!
Food for thought:
"As every man has received a gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4:10
Friday, September 5, 2014
Yep, Mama has LOST IT!
Have you ever lost your cool? Please tell me you have so that I don't feel alone!
Let me just give you a snip-it into my morning this glorious AM so that you can see just how Satan was at work in the Talley home!
My alarm went off and surprisingly I actually got up and going as I should, seeing how I was to deliver both children this morning since I did not have the assistance of my wonderful husband. I took my shower, put on my face and dressed myself before arousing the children. I fixed breakfast for Evan and Emie's bottle with Oatmeal and prepared to say our "Good Mornings!" So far things seem rather uneventful.
Sleepy-eyed Evan finds his way to the recliner, mini chicken biscuits in hand and his cup of milk, ready for his favorite cartoons to start his day. Emie is settled back by this time, bottle in hand, enjoying her morning yummys too.
10 minutes in, Evan has not taken one bite--not ONE bite!
25 MINUTES LATER, Evan has ONLY managed to down 1/2 of ONE mini chicken biscuit and then looks at me like I am crazy because I am asking him why more of it has not been eaten! I take it from him and put it on the stove and tell him to get dressed, now.
I walk through about 5 minutes later and I will let you take a wild guess---he is NOT dressed! How long does it REALLY take to dress a 6 year old body? For the LOVE!!
The TV is turned off (I know, it probably never should have been on in the first place, but give a Mama a break) and I have now in a raised tone, told him once again to GET. DRESSED!
I whisk Emie to her room for a clean diaper and clothes for the day, all the while reminding Evan of what all he needs to be doing. "Brush your teeth, Evan, use the bathroom, let's brush your hair and put on your socks and shoes." Really, it's not like we don't do the same chores morning after morning! I am exhausted by this point and my day is just beginning. I must interject here that I did wake in a good mood, enjoyed my quiet shower and my 10 minutes of face preparations.
Back to my sweet Evan. He is now brushing his teeth and I have moved on to finishing my hair. I zip through the kitchen only to catch a glimpse of him darting into his room where he is trying to put the shorts that he wore yesterday back on and his shorts that I had ironed that morning are in his dirt clothes bin. I just about come apart! When I ask, it seems as though there was a mishap with our aim in the bathroom! OH. MY. GOODNESS! Now I HAVE come apart! We don't have time for this. I am behaving in a way that is NOT the way Christ intended, Evan is crying and I am in tears! What a way to start our Friday!
Apologies were given and we finally were out the door. Did I mention that in the middle of all of this Emie managed to get her hand popped and have a complete come apart. So, we all shed some tears and had a doozy of a morning!
I feel as though I owe my mother a HUGE apology for the way I behaved in the mornings when she was working hard to get me up and going! Evan is his mother's child!
Does this sound like a morning in your home? Hopefully it is not a typical morning! I can't help but think if God must feel like this sometimes. He is constantly laying on our hearts and minds the things that He desires for us to do and we just lolly-gag to the point where so much time is wasted and we (and maybe even he) end up feeling defeated. Just as I was not constantly on Evan's case "just because", there is always a task at hand-something that must be done for a specific purpose. The Lord has plans for us. Are we too busy (or being too lazy) to see His plan through?
Back to my sweet Evan this morning. I did send his teacher a message to check on him and he was doing great. Maybe the repercussions of this morning have only stuck in my mind. This Mama gig can be difficult sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for all of the world! Maybe God feels the same about me sometimes. Being my heavenly Father can be difficult, but in the long run, I know He wouldn't change a thing!
Scripture for thought on standing firm in the Lord when Satan tries to ruin the day:
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness." Ephesians 6:10-18
Let me just give you a snip-it into my morning this glorious AM so that you can see just how Satan was at work in the Talley home!
My alarm went off and surprisingly I actually got up and going as I should, seeing how I was to deliver both children this morning since I did not have the assistance of my wonderful husband. I took my shower, put on my face and dressed myself before arousing the children. I fixed breakfast for Evan and Emie's bottle with Oatmeal and prepared to say our "Good Mornings!" So far things seem rather uneventful.
Sleepy-eyed Evan finds his way to the recliner, mini chicken biscuits in hand and his cup of milk, ready for his favorite cartoons to start his day. Emie is settled back by this time, bottle in hand, enjoying her morning yummys too.
10 minutes in, Evan has not taken one bite--not ONE bite!
25 MINUTES LATER, Evan has ONLY managed to down 1/2 of ONE mini chicken biscuit and then looks at me like I am crazy because I am asking him why more of it has not been eaten! I take it from him and put it on the stove and tell him to get dressed, now.
I walk through about 5 minutes later and I will let you take a wild guess---he is NOT dressed! How long does it REALLY take to dress a 6 year old body? For the LOVE!!
The TV is turned off (I know, it probably never should have been on in the first place, but give a Mama a break) and I have now in a raised tone, told him once again to GET. DRESSED!
I whisk Emie to her room for a clean diaper and clothes for the day, all the while reminding Evan of what all he needs to be doing. "Brush your teeth, Evan, use the bathroom, let's brush your hair and put on your socks and shoes." Really, it's not like we don't do the same chores morning after morning! I am exhausted by this point and my day is just beginning. I must interject here that I did wake in a good mood, enjoyed my quiet shower and my 10 minutes of face preparations.
Back to my sweet Evan. He is now brushing his teeth and I have moved on to finishing my hair. I zip through the kitchen only to catch a glimpse of him darting into his room where he is trying to put the shorts that he wore yesterday back on and his shorts that I had ironed that morning are in his dirt clothes bin. I just about come apart! When I ask, it seems as though there was a mishap with our aim in the bathroom! OH. MY. GOODNESS! Now I HAVE come apart! We don't have time for this. I am behaving in a way that is NOT the way Christ intended, Evan is crying and I am in tears! What a way to start our Friday!
Apologies were given and we finally were out the door. Did I mention that in the middle of all of this Emie managed to get her hand popped and have a complete come apart. So, we all shed some tears and had a doozy of a morning!
I feel as though I owe my mother a HUGE apology for the way I behaved in the mornings when she was working hard to get me up and going! Evan is his mother's child!
Does this sound like a morning in your home? Hopefully it is not a typical morning! I can't help but think if God must feel like this sometimes. He is constantly laying on our hearts and minds the things that He desires for us to do and we just lolly-gag to the point where so much time is wasted and we (and maybe even he) end up feeling defeated. Just as I was not constantly on Evan's case "just because", there is always a task at hand-something that must be done for a specific purpose. The Lord has plans for us. Are we too busy (or being too lazy) to see His plan through?
Back to my sweet Evan this morning. I did send his teacher a message to check on him and he was doing great. Maybe the repercussions of this morning have only stuck in my mind. This Mama gig can be difficult sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for all of the world! Maybe God feels the same about me sometimes. Being my heavenly Father can be difficult, but in the long run, I know He wouldn't change a thing!
Scripture for thought on standing firm in the Lord when Satan tries to ruin the day:
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness." Ephesians 6:10-18
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