Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Things that make you go hmmm....

Ever heard something that makes you think so hard that you literally go, "hmmmmmmm"? Over the past several years, there have been several comments made from time to time by either friends or acquaintances that have really made me stop in my tracks and think. Think really hard!

My friend Laura and I communicate almost daily-either verbally or through text. She is one of my go to gals! We work together, shop together, eat out together, and attend the same Sunday school class with our hubbys. This past week she mentioned that she has said (to another family member) on numerous occasions that her marriage comes before her boys. Now, she has said this to me many times before, but this time, it really made me stop and think. Think so much that I actually asked the hubs this morning, as he was tying his tie, what he thought that statement meant.

What does this statement really mean? More than that, what does it me to me and what does it mean for the sake of my (healthy) marriage? I am so thankful to have Laura in my life. She brings things to light for me and we seem to really balance each other out. Her husband would probably tell you that I, on the other hand, can be a negative influence as I totally indulge her love for shopping! Hey, that's what girlfriends are for, right?!

Back to topic. What does it mean to truly put James (my hubs) above all else? Even before the children who I carried for 9 months and sent my body into a whirlwind to deliver safely? Those same children who I have cradled in the middle of night and worn (still wear, as Emie is only 9 mo) t-shirts covered in their less than appealing bodily fluids (gross, I know!)? How do you even do that? They NEED me!! They have needs that ONLY I can take care of! Sound familiar?!

Well, that is where I have been shown that I am wrong! What my children NEED is to see their daddy and me loving and serving the Lord, loving one another, and being available to care for them. There are times when James and I WILL need to take a break and go to dinner--just the two of us. And that is ok! We should not feel guilty about loving each other and wanting to reconnect and re-energize our marriage. The more and more that we allow things (in some cases people) to come between us, when we diminish our ability to be able to communicate and spend time together, the worse off we will be. The worse off our marriage will be. The worse off our family will be. We must take time to love each other. It is so easy to be so busy that we forget to ask "how was your day?" or give that kiss at the end of the night, but we can't! I wouldn't have my beautiful babies if it were not for James and I can't be guilty of forgetting that!

So, in closing, just as my children need me, so does my husband! I can't a Godly mother to them if I am not being a Godly wife to their daddy! I hope this initial question made you stop and go "hmmmmm"! Thanks Laura for being my friend and for making me stop and think outside MY box! I love ya!


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